Level Devil

Level Devil

Level Devil will push you into crazy unpredictable platforms. Be ready to build the strongest wall of patience. This game promises to reach the limit of your exhilarating rage. Endlessly challenging levels, unpredictable surprises, and quirky moves are all waiting for you! Even reflexive geniuses can fall in the first turns.

Gameplay Overview

To start Level Devil, all you need to prepare is the spirit of not giving up. Each level in this adventure game will contain unexpected challenges. Platforms that seem normal will have breathtaking changes. If you don't move your character, it won't be possible to discover anything interesting. Therefore, don't hesitate to move forward until you find an effective solution!

Your goal is to maneuver the character to the door to enter a new level. This game has a total of 16 gates, with each having a typical number of levels and obstacles. How to conquer this entire level is your task.

How To Play

You can control the character with the arrow keys or WASD keys. Note that in some levels, these command keys will offer other special features. Don't think, experiment!